Codecov Fastlane Action

November 01, 2017

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I recently had to configure Fastlane to run in the ReCaptcha project. Since we were already uploading coverage reports to Codecov, it would be interesting if we kept using it.

After tweaking a bit with their default command, because Fastlane kept complaining about syntax error, I came up with the following command:

curl -s | bash -s -- -J 'ReCaptcha'

Hey, since we’re running a shell command, why not transform it into a proper action so everybody can use it, right? Unfortunately, Fastlane is not accepting actions, also, this action would fall into the “third party service” category and it wouldn’t be accepted anyway.

So let’s share it on Github! Since, it’s just a single file, I’ve created a gist that can be added as a submodule to your Fastlane actions folder:

After cloning the submodule you can try running fastlane action codecov for details.


  • use_xcodeplist: Codecov’s beta feature (default false)
  • project_name: The project name to be used by the -J argument
  • token: The API token for private repos


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